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Recruitment Software Consultancy

Every recruitment agency has different needs. Recruitment Software Solutions recognises this. While recruitment software will increase efficiencies and revenues for one recruitment business, the same recruitment system might not work for another.

We know that it is critical for you and for us to fully understand your agency’s workflows to discover and apply, or simply just advise you on, the most appropriate custom recruitment software solution. A solution that will make your business more efficient, save you money, and increase your profits.

Quick cost-effective recruitment software

Not every problem demands a tailored solution and not every recruitment agency has the budget available for a full suite of bespoke recruitment software. Recruitment Software Solutions can recommend off-the-shelf software that will work for you and meet your budget.

Off the shelf cloud recruitment products might not be a 100% fit but there could be a product that will get you 90% of the way there whilst keeping you 100% within your costs. These products off instant sign-up so you can get up and running quickly with low up-front investment and affordable ongoing fees.

Via our recruitment software consultancy services we can help you to implement your off-the-shelf choice and make sure its features are optimised for your individual workflows. With our expertise, we show you the best way to on-board staff and setup any relevant accounts, permissions, and customisations.

Identify the problem to find the right solution

Before you invest in off-the-shelf software, we identify the problem you are trying to solve. Do your workflows revolve around one large client with complex requirements? Do you deal with many hundreds’ different clients and candidates. Are outdated and time-consuming processes costing you time and money each day? Do you have multiple locations each with their own business characteristics?

Once we understand your business and are aware of your challenges and your goals, we then begin to research available off-the-shelf recruitment software that will work and provide you a shortlist, outlining costs and benefits.

We’ve seen recruitment businesses choose software based on their own understanding, only to find their chosen recruitment software platform still doesn’t solve the initial problem. Up to 50% of software projects fail. We can ensure your recruitment software implementation isn’t one of them.

Bespoke configurations for off-the-shelf solutions

Recruitment Software Solutions specialises in building custom recruitment systems. Often our tailored work means we are integrating one or more existing systems or tweaking them to achieve the exact needs of our client. Because of this, not only are we familiar with all the popular off-the-shelf solutions on the market but we have a deep understanding of exactly what these platforms are capable of and how they can be customised.

We can set up your customisations for you, using our knowledge of your business, to ensure you get the very best from your investment.

Whether you need your own completely tailored recruitment software solution or need help configuring a purchase of off-the-shelf software, or even somewhere in between, we can help.

Take advantage of our vast technical expertise 

We have been working with web technologies for over 24 years. We have years of experience working with recruitment agencies to help them streamline their processes, implement new technology stacks, and increase their efficiency and their revenues. We understand the challenges and the technology possibilities for recruitment businesses, and we understand exactly how to effectively utilise technology to solve business problems.

Our experience spans front-end development, back-end development, project management, server administration business analysis and much more. Our recruitment software consultancy services can add value to your business immediately.

We know exactly what technology works the best for every different problem scenario. That means we can deliver the right solution every time. 

Ready to cut costs and save time?

Need to increase profits and customer satisfaction?

Tired of manual processes or integrations that don’t work?

If so, let's talk, tell us about your problems, we'll provide the solutions.